FAQs: Green Electric Aggregation
What is the project scope?
IAC developed a turnkey process, having created industry best practices in its 11 years’ experience as a leader in Municipal Aggregation in Illinois. We tailor the RFPs to the municipality’s specific goals, receive competitive bids from all eligible suppliers, draft board memos and ordinances, present offers to city council, prepare draft communications (press release, newsletters, e-blasts, website, social media), train municipal staff and provide our own live customer support desk six days a week. We will produce educational videos for social media and present educational workshops at community and senior centers.
What are the benefits?
Guaranteed to pay no more than the ComEd rate; no hidden fees, no early termination fees; Renewable Energy such as wind, hydro, solar, biomass, and industrial heat recapture at no added cost to the ComEd rate; possibility of civic contribution for local projects, potential designation as an EPA Green Power Partner Community. At no added cost to the ComEd rate.
Are communities still participating in Aggregation?
Yes, many communities have continued their programs since the first began in 2011. Following the early years of significant savings, communities have pivoted to renewable energy or local green initiatives at zero added cost to the ComEd rate. We have worked with over 110 municipalities on their aggregation programs. A majority continue with those programs in place today. Many of our communities enjoy top rankings by the EPA for their high percentage Green Energy consumed.
What support is provided to residents?
IAC is committed to five-star service. We offer a robust customer care desk available to residents Monday through Saturday. Our reputation is unmatched. We help residents with all their supply issues, including sorting through net metering status for those with solar panels, or residents who have enrolled with a third-party supplier and seek assistance unraveling their contract. The opt-out program is all about Customer Choice—that is our aim and that is the law of the land in Illinois.
What municipalities do you serve?
We have overseen Municipal Electric Aggregation programs for more than 100 communities from Zion, Illinois on the Wisconsin border, to communities as far south as Kankakee County and west to Kane County for a population approaching two million Illinois residents. New communities join our network of municipalities every year. Contact us for a list of clients and specific references.
What are the fees?
There are zero hard costs to the community. IAC has never charged a fee to a municipality. As an energy broker/consultant, we are paid if and when the community engages a contract with an electric supplier. We analyze and present final offers and the municipality always retains the option to reject all bids.